Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Peacock Family Christmas: Tree Edition

For me, searching for the perfect Christmas tree is about as great as the tree itself. I think I would visit a Christmas tree farm even if I wasn't actually buying a tree. I simply enjoy seeing the trees- the way they are all lined up, the different shapes and sizes, the pretty lights hung above the trees, all of it!  I like Christmas trees so much that when I was living at home I spent my own money to buy a 2nd Christmas tree just for my bedroom. And I don't mean a mini-tree, I bought a full sized Christmas tree. My friends helped me pick it out, carry it up stairs to my room, and decorate. It's also important to mention that my mom had a full-sized, beautifully decorated tree in the main part of our home that I saw anytime I was home and not in my room. All of that to say, I'm a pretty big fan of Christmas trees. 
This is one of the few pictures I can find that has my bedroom tree in it but you get the idea.
So imagine my excitement when I had an excuse to buy my very own Christmas tree last year! I had recently moved out of my mom's house and no longer had to put a tree in my bedroom. This is last year's Christmas tree with my sweet roommate. 

That was so fun. Going to find a Christmas tree this year was even more fun because I have two additional roommates! One of them was busy studying (can you guess who?!) so it was 3/4 of Peacock on the prowl for the tree. Let the hunt begin. . .
However, we quickly encountered a few problems: our price limit seems a bit too low, Jeni likes fat trees, Aubrey likes cheap trees, and I like big trees. . .like this one.
Since Jeni is a little bit not as tall as Aubrey and me, she doesn't even realize when a tree is a little bit not as tall as Aubrey and me. It was actually really humorous because she would find a tree she thought was great because it was big and fat then I would walk up and I would be the same height as the tree. Really, the tree was just fat but they all seemed a nice height to her! We eventually found the perfect tree!
Sort of. . .as long as you're looking at its good side. =) 
I also thought their "office" was adorable and worthy of about ten photographs. The sweet striped awning just felt like home! 

I'll save photographs of the decorated tree for another edition of A Peacock Family Christmas. =)


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